Burn the bootloader with a Segger J-link
- Install the JLink Software and Documentation Pack from Segger.
Make sure the OHB is powered on.
In the Arduino IDE
- Select
Tools > Board > Adafruit Bluefruit Feather52
- Select
Tools > Programmer > J-Link for Feather52
- Select
Tools > Burn Bootloader
with the board and J-Link connected
Burn the bootloader from the command line with nrfjprog
- Install the nrf command line tools
- In a terminal, run
nrfjprog --program <PATH_TO_ARDUINO>/packages/movuino/hardware/movuino/1.0.0/bootloader/feather_nrf52840_express/feather_nrf52840_express_bootloader-0.3.2_s140_6.1.1.hex -f nrf52 --chiperase --reset